High Court of Gujarat has published a List of Candidates who have secured the minimum qualifying marks in the Preliminary Examination (Elimination Test) & Test of Gujarati Language [for Candidates who have not passed Secondary as well as Higher Secondary Examination with the subject of Gujarati (Higher Level at both stages)] held on 07/05/2023, for the Recruitment to Cadre of CIVIL JUDGES. Check below for more details.

High Court of Gujarat Civil Judge Prelim Result 2023
The Main Written Examination tentatively scheduled to be held on 02-07-2023 is postponed and the same will now be conducted on 16-07-2023.
The successful Candidates, as above listed, will be able to download their ‘e-Call-letters’ for Main Written Examination one week prior to the scheduled date from https://hc-ojas.gujarat.gov.in.
Any application, even under the RTI Act, etc. with regard to the Preliminary Examination (Elimination Test) & Test of Gujarati Language, will not be entertained till the completion of the entire Recruitment Process.
The candidature of the candidate who does not fulfill essential qualifications as of the last date fixed for submission of online application, as mentioned at point 2(i) of the detailed advertisement dated 10-03-2023, shall be rejected outright
Official website: Click Here
Important: Please always Check and Confirm the above details with the official website and Advertisement / Notification.
Call Letters
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