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Gujarat Public Service Commission has published GPSC Interview Programme for Accounts Officer and Assistant Engineer (Civil) 2023, Check below for more details.

17-10-2023 | Tuesday | Accounts Officer, Class-II, in the Gujarat Accounts Service, Advt. No. 04/2021-22, Posts: 15, Candidates: 82, Branch: Ex-1, Time: 11:00 a.m. | 16 |
18-10-2023 | Wednesday | –do– | 17 |
19-10-2023 | Thursday | –do– | 17 |
20-10-2023 | Friday | –do– | 16 |
21-10-2023 | Saturday | –do– | 16 |
17-10-2023 | Tuesday | Assistant Engineer (Civil), Class-II, under Gujarat Maritime Board, Advt. No. 19/2021-22, Posts: 27, Candidates: 226, Branch: R-7, Time: 11:00 a.m., in 02 Boards, Total: 08 Days. Board-1 10 and Board-2 10 | 20 |
18-10-2023 | Wednesday | –do- Board-1 15 and Board-2 15 | 30 |
19-10-2023 | Thursday | Board-1 15 and Board-2-> 15 | 30 |
20-10-2023 | Friday | Board-1 15 and Board-2-> 15 | 30 |
21-10-2023 | Saturday | Board-1 15 and Board-2-> 15 | 30 |
25-10-2023 | Wednesday | Board-1 15 and Board-2-> 15 | 30 |
26-10-2023 | Thursday | Board-1 15 and Board-2-> 15 | 30 |
27-10-2023 | Friday | Board-1 13 and Board-2-> 13 | 26 |
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