Gujarat Public Service Commission has published GPSC Class 1 & 2 Revised List of the Candidates Eligible for the Mains Examination 2023, Check below for more details.

The Commission conducted the preliminary examination of Advt. 20/2022-23, Gujarat Administrative Service, Class-1, Gujarat Civil Service, Class 1 & 2 and Gujarat State Municipal Chief Officers’ Service, Class-2, on 08/01/2023 and published the Provisional Answer Key on 11/01/2023. After receiving the opinion of experts on objections received on the Provisional Answer Key, the Commission published the Final Answer Key and the result of the preliminary examination on 10/04/2023 and 18/04/2023 respectively.
After careful consideration of the merit of the petitioners’ petitions, the objections raised by the candidates and the opinion of Experts, a report has been prepared and submitted before the Hon’ble High Court on 18.08.2023. By the report of the Commission, the Hon’ble High Court has passed directions in SCA 8379 of 2023 & other petitions. As per the directions of the Hon’ble High Court, the revised provisional result has been prepared and the following 5422 candidates are declared provisionally qualified in the Combined Competitive (Preliminary) Exam. The candidates are declared provisionally qualified for appearing in the Main Written Examination, subject to their fulfilling all conditions of eligibility of Advt. No. 20/2022-23.
Important: Please always Check and Confirm the above details with the official website and Advertisement / Notification.
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