CSIR – CSMCRI Recruitment for Project Assistant -||- Advt. No. NPGC. 04/2020 Post 2020, Check below for more details.
Advt. No. NPGC. 04/2020
Total No. of Posts- 2
Applications are invited from talented and motivated candidates for Project Assistant (2 posts) to work in the CSIR-sponsored projects in the area of ‘Downstream processing of seaweeds and characterization of plant biostimulants (MLP0027)”. The details of posts are as following:
Qualification |
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B.Sc in Chemistry |
Job requirement |
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The selected candidates will have to work downstream processing of seaweeds and characterization of various plant bio stimulants |
Emoluments |
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20,000/- + HRA per month for Project Assistant |
Age limit* |
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50 years for Project Assistant |
*Relaxation in age / qualification as per CSIR norms.
Interested candidates meeting the above requirements shall send the scanned copy of the duly signed application form (in the prescribed format) against this advertisement in the institute’s website (www.csmcri.res.in) along with the soft copy of supporting documents (educational qualifications, date of birth proof, etc) by e-mail to [email protected] on or before 21 st December 2020. Please mention clearly for the post applied in the subject.
Applications received by e-mail will be scrutinized based on job requirement, candidate’s academic and research background and any such shortlisted candidates as eligible as per the criteria will be asked to attend the interview on 24th December 2020 (from 10.30 AM onwards) using online mode i.e. Skype or MS- TEAM due to COVID-19. The details of the interview will be sent to such candidates by e-mail only.
The original documents will be verified for selected candidates at the time of joining and any deviation will lead to the disqualification of the candidature. These posts are purely temporary and therefore, not confer any right/claim implicit or explicit for any candidate for claiming extension or absorption in CSMCRI/CSIR. Final year B.Sc students and who are awaiting for their exams/results are not eligible to apply.
Last Date: 21-12-2020
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