RBI Final Result Assistant Manager (Rajbhasha) and Assistant Manager (Protocol & Security) in Grade ‘A’-Panel Year-2021

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Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has published RBI Final Result Assistant Manager (Rajbhasha) and Assistant Manager (Protocol & Security) in Grade ‘A’-Panel Year-2021, Check below for more details.

RBI Final Result Assistant Manager (Rajbhasha)

RBI Final Result Assistant Manager (Rajbhasha)
reserve bank of india (RBI)

Recruitment for the posts of Assistant Manager (Rajbhasha) and Assistant Manager (Protocol & Security) in Grade ‘A’-Panel Year-2021 – Final Result

(Advt. No. 3A/2021-22 dated March 28, 2022)

1. Roll number of the candidates recommended for selection for the post of Assistant Manager (Rajbhasha)- PY 2021

1310000001 1310000039 1310000044 1510000005 2010000002 2710000126

2. Roll number of the candidates recommended for selection for the post of Assistant Manager (Protocol & Security)- PY 2021

1510000013 2410000032

Note: The result of Assistant Manager (Protocol & Security) is conditional on the outcome of the Civil Writ Petition No. 5729 of 2022, before the Hon’ble High Court of Delhi at New Delhi. The result of Roll No. 2710000248 is not declared in compliance with the order of the Hon’ble High Court of Delhi at New Delhi.

Instructions for Candidates who have been recommended for the Posts:

Recommended candidates are advised to send five copies (original) of Attestation Form (duly filled-all in original) by post to Reserve Bank of India Services Board, Reserve Bank of India Building, 3rd Floor, Opposite Mumbai Central Railway Station, Byculla, Mumbai-400008, within two weeks from the date of publishing the results.

Kindly refer to Para 10 (m) under Detailed Notice of Advertisement Number 3A/2021-22 dated March 28, 2022 wherein it is stated that “In all matters regarding eligibility, conduct of examinations, interviews, assessment, prescribing minimum qualifying standards in both the Examination and interview, in relation to number of vacancies and communication of result, the Board’s decision shall be final and binding on the candidates and no correspondence shall be entertained in this regard.”

Please note that the results are provisional only. The Board / Bank reserves the right to cross check any document/s submitted by the candidates in support of their eligibility. Appointment of candidates will be subject to verification of all certificates submitted by the candidates. If at any stage, it is found that any information furnished in the ONLINE application / documents submitted by the candidates is/are false/incorrect or if according to the Board / Bank, the candidate does not satisfy the eligibility criteria for the post, his/ her candidature will be cancelled and can be removed from service without notice, if he/she has already joined the Bank.


Kindly note that Mark Sheets & cut-off marks for the above recruitment (Examination and/or Interview as applicable) will be displayed on the website of RBI, in an interactive mode, within 15 working days from the declaration of this result.

Disclaimer: Though utmost care has been taken while preparing the results, the Board reserves the right to rectify inadvertent errors, if any.

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Hello, I am Ranjit Thakor. I am B.com Graduate and I was working in Auto and Insurance sector for 10 years. Currently I am a Blogger and Content Creator at MaruGujarat.in Website. I have 13+ years experience in Blogging and Content Creation in various fields like Govt. Job Updates, Sarkari Yojana, Career News, Exams Preparation etc.