GPSSB Divisional Accountant Result
GPSSB Divisional Accountant Result has been out officially on its website. As thousands of candidates who appeared in the GPSSB Divisional Accountant Prelims Exam are eagerly waiting for the result. Checking results in a heavy volume may lead to some technical issues with the loading of the website, therefore, we have provided the direct link below. Candidates who have passed the GPSSB Divisional Accountant Prelims will be eligible for the Mains examination. Candidates can check the GPSSB Divisional Accountant Prelims Result 2022 from the direct link given below in this article.
GPSSB Divisional Accountant Result: Important Dates
GPSSB will be announced all important dates related to mains exam date along with GPSSB Divisional Accountant Result for Prelims Exam. Candidates can check all the important dates related to the GPSSB Divisional Accountant Result here.
GPSSB Divisional Accountant Result Link
GPSSB Divisional Accountant Result link has been active on the official website of the Gujarat Panchayat Seva Pasandgi Mandal . GPSSB has released the PDF of the selected candidates for the next phase i.e. Mains Examination. The direct link to check the GPSSB Divisional Accountant Result is given below.
Steps to Check GPSSB Divisional Accountant Result
Step 1: Visit the official website of the Gujarat Panchayat Seva Pasandgi Mandal i.e.
Step 2: Then, click on GPSSB Career options which are available on the right-hand side and a new page will open in a new tab.
Step 3: Now, Click on the link “Download GPSSB Divisional Accountant Result”.
Step 4: Now login into your account by entering the required credentials i.e. Enter your registration number/roll number, DOB/password, and insert the captcha image.
Step 5: Now you can see your GPSSB Divisional Accountant Result of the Prelims Exam.
Step 6: On the upper side of your screen you will find the print option, click on it, and save it in PDF format.
Step 7: Print the hard copy of the GPSSB Divisional Accountant Result and save it for future reference.
Details Mentioned on GPSSB Divisional Accountant Result
Candidates can check all the details mentioned on the GPSSB Divisional Accountant Prelims Result 2022 carefully. The following details have been mentioned on GPSSB Divisional Accountant Prelims Result 2022:
- Candidate’s Name
- Date of Examination
- Roll number
- Registration number
- Category
- Post applied
- Total marks scored in GPSSB Divisional Accountant Prelims Exam
- Overall Cut off Marks
- Marks scored in aggregate and also for each section
- Qualifying Status
- Mains Exam Date
GPSSB Divisional Accountant Cut Off 2022
GPSSB Divisional Accountant Cut Off 2022 will set the line for the candidates to have equal or more marks to clear the GPSSB Divisional Accountant Prelims Exam 2022. There is a direct link provided below to check the complete details for the GPSSB Divisional Accountant Cut Off 2022.
GPSSB Divisional Accountant Result for Mains Exam
Candidates who will clear the GPSSB Divisional Accountant prelims examination will be considered qualified candidates for the GPSSB Divisional Accountant Mains Exam. GPSSB Divisional Accountant mains exam will be held on 8th May 2022 so the mains result for GPSSB Divisional Accountant 2022 will be declared after the GPSSB Divisional Accountant Main exam.
Advt No 03/2021-22
Posts Name: Divisional Accountant
Result: Click Here
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FAQs: GPSSB Divisional Accountant Result
Q1. Is GPSSB Divisional Accountant Result Out?
Ans. Yes, GPSSB Divisional Accountant Result is out.
Q2. How can I check the GPSSB Divisional Accountant Prelims Result 2022?
Ans. You can check the GPSSB Divisional Accountant Prelims Result 2022 by clicking on the link given above.
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