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The Staff Selection Commission conducted the Combined Graduate Level Examination (Tier-I), 2020 from 13-08-2021 to 24-08-2021 in the Computer Based Mode.
Based on marks scored in Tier-I Examination, candidates have been shortlisted, category-wise, to appear in Tier-II and Tier-III examinations. Separate cut-offs have been fixed for the posts of Assistant Audit Officer and Assistant Accounts Officer (List-1), Junior Statistical Officer (JSO) (List-2) and all other posts (List-3).
As the Tier-I Computer Based Examination was conducted in multiple shifts, marks scored by the candidates have been normalized as per the formula published by the Commission on its website on 07-02-2019. Such normalized marks have been used to qualify candidates for the next stages of the Examination (i.e. Tier-II and Tier-III)

Exam Name: Combined Graduate Level Examination (Tier-I), 2020
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