Gujarat Gaun Seva Pasandgi Mandal (GSSSB) has published GSSSB Waiting List of Horticulture Supervisor (Advt. No. 194/2020-21), Check below for more details.
GSSSB Waiting List of Horticulture Supervisor (Advt. No. 194/2020-21)

Advertisement No. 194/202021 for direct recruitment of Tantric cadres by the Board: Horticulture Inspector, Competitive Written Test of the first stage of Class-III cadre and Computer Proficiency Test of the second stage – both on the basis of merit of the marks obtained by the candidates in both the tests. The selection list was published on the board’s website on 19/09/2022. The list of candidates who have been placed in the waiting list on the basis of category-wise merits in the above cadre has been placed on the link given below. Which is hereby communicated to the concerned candidates to see.
Important: Please always Check and Confirm the above details with the official website and Advertisement / Notification.
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