RRB Ahmedabad Updates on 27-04-2022

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Railway Recruitment Board, RRB Ahmedabad has published Various RRB Ahmedabad Updates on 27-04-2022, Check below for more details.

RRB Ahmedabad Updates on 27-04-2022

RRB Ahmedabad Updates
rrb ahmedabad


RRB Ahmedabad Updates 



RRB Ahmedabad Updates Description

27/04/2022 01/2018

Notice for Document Verification against shortfall for the post of ALP

26/04/2022 01/2019 NTPC

The Exam City Slip & Score Card link for NTPC CBT-2 Phase 1 new

26/04/2022 01/2019 NTPC

Mock Test link for NTPC CBT-2 new

26/04/2022 01/2019 NTPC

Helpdesk link for NTPC CBT-2 new

22/04/2022 RRC_01/2019

Corrigendum and Amendment No. 5 to Detailed CEN No. RRC-01/2019 new

19/04/2022 01/2019 NTPC

New Scorecard Link to check the pay levels for which a candidate is short-listed to appear in CBT2new

12/04/2021 01/2018

Provisionally short listed candidates for Document Verification against shortfall for the post of ALP with cut-off marksnew

12/04/2022 01/2019 NTPC

Exam Schedule for CBT2 for Pay Level – 4 and 6 new

07/04/2022 RRC_01/2019

Corrigendum and Amendment No. 4 to Detailed CEN No. RRC-01/2019

06/04/2022 03/2018

Cut off Merit Index of Replacement Results published on 21/06/2021 and 21/12/2021new

30/03/2022 03/2019

Corrigendum to the detailed CEN 03/2019 (Ministerial & Isolated Categories)new

30/03/2022 01/2019 NTPC

Scorecard Link to check the pay levels for which a candidate is short-listed to appear in CBT2

30/03/2022 01/2019 NTPC

CBT1: Revised Cut off marks- Level 6Level 5Level 3Level 2

30/03/2022 01/2019 NTPC

CBT1: Revised Result – Level 6Level 5Level 3Level 2

25/03/2022 01/2018

Shortfall and Replacement Result for the post of ALP (Cat. No. 2) with Cut-Off marks



Corrigendum & Amendments to the Centralized Employment Notice No. 01/2019 for Recruitment of various NTPC Graduate and Undergraduate posts



Notice regarding Course Completed Act Apprentices trained in Railways



Shortfall and Replacement result for Para Medical Category of Staff Nurse (Cat. No 2) after DV


01/2019 & 

Decision on the recommendations of High Power Committee on concerns of Candidates of CEN 01/2019(NTPC) and CEN RRC-01/2019 (Level-1)(हिंदी में)



Notice & Link for Refund of Fees for Valid Objections to Questions of CBT1 & CBT2, link will be live from 07/03/2022 10:00 hrs to 21/03/2022 23:59 Hrs

For more RRB Ahmedabad Updates and details: Click Here
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Hello, I am Ranjit Thakor. I am B.com Graduate and I was working in Auto and Insurance sector for 10 years. Currently I am a Blogger and Content Creator at MaruGujarat.in Website. I have 13+ years experience in Blogging and Content Creation in various fields like Govt. Job Updates, Sarkari Yojana, Career News, Exams Preparation etc.