IBPS Tentative Calendar of Online CRP for RRBs & PSBs (2022-2023)
- Preliminary Examination Office Assistants* and Officer Scale I : 07.08.2022, 13.08.2022, 14.08.2022, 20.08.2022 and 21.08.2022
- Single Examination Officers Scale II & III : 24.09.2022
- Main Examination Officer Scale I : 24.09.2022 , Office Assistants : 01.10.2022
- Clerks*: Preliminary Examination: 28.08.2022, 03.09.2022, 04.09.2022, Main Examination: 08.10.2022
- Probationary Officers: Preliminary Examination: 15.10.2022, 16.10.2022, 22.10.2022 Main Examination:26.11.2022
- Specialist Officers: Preliminary Examination: 24.12.2022, 31.12.2022 Main Examination: 29.01.2023
Subject to not holding of CET by NRA for Group B posts.
Process of Registration
- The registration process will be through online mode only and there will be a single
registration for both Preliminary and Main examination, wherever applicable. - Candidates will be required to upload the following documents as per the specification
given in advertisement.- (1) Photograph of the Applicant – 20 kb to 50 kb in .jpeg file
- (2) Signature of the Applicant – 10 kb to 20 kb in .jpeg file
- (3) Thumb impression of the Applicant – 20 kb to 50 kb in .jpeg file
- (4) Scanned Copy of handwritten declaration as per the format, which will be available
in the respective advertisement – 50 kb to 100 kb in .jpeg file
Detailed Notifications: Prospective candidates are advised to visit official website of IBPS www.ibps.in
regularly for detailed notification for each of the above examinations to be displayed in due
Disclaimer: IBPS, however, reserves the right to change the process including guidelines/modalities
stated above on the basis of administrative reasons, court order, Govt. Advisories, etc.
Calendar: Click Here
For more details: Click Here
Important: Please always Check and Confirm the above details with the official website and Advertisement / Notification.
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