CSIR-CSMCRI has published an Advertisement for the below-mentioned Posts. Eligible Candidates advised to refer to the official advertisement and apply this post. You can find other details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process, application fee, and how to apply are given below. Keep checking MaruGujarat regularly to get the latest updates.
Applications are invited from talented and motivated candidates for working in recently sanctioned Grant in Aid Projects (2 No.). The title of the projects are:
“Pre-feasibility studies and establishment of pilot scale farming of commercially valuable seaweeds in Andaman Coast” funded by Andaman Administration (4 Post of PA-I, 4 Post of FA) and, “Long term monitoring of coastal water to understand pollution and impact on coastal health” funded by INCOIS, MoES (1 Post of Field Assistant). The project have extensive fieldwork on seaweed cultivation/ environmental activities. The number of positions is tentative and may vary at the time of interview. The details of posts are as following:
CSIR-CSMCRI Recruitment 2020
Job Details:
Project Associate – I (PA- I): 4 Posts
Field Assistant (FA): 5 posts
Educational Qualification:
Please read Official Notification for Educational Qualification details.
Selection Process:
Candidates will be selected based on an interview.
How to Apply ?:
Interested candidates meeting the above requirements may attend interview (online) and soft copy of certificates (PDF), a passport size photograph and detailed bio-data (Application form) may be send by e-mail to:
seaweedandaman@gmail.com (Apply for Seaweed cultivation)
thoratravi114@gmail.com (Apply for EIA study)
All application should reached to above email id on or before 9 October 2020/ 5 PM. The details about the post please visit: www.csmcri.res.in OR https://www.marinepollution.in
Candidates willing to apply for both (PA- I & FA) should send separate application form.
Applications received by mail will be scrutinize based on certain criteria and only such shortlisted candidates as are eligible as per criteria will be asked to attend the interview using the online mode. The details of the interview will be send to such candidates by e-mail.
The online interview of the shortlisted candidates is schedule:
On 15 October 2020 (Thursday) at 10:30 AM through Skype for “I. Seaweed cultivation” and On 16 October 2020 (Friday) at 10:30 AM through Skype for “II. EIA study”.
These posts are purely temporary and therefore, not confer any right/claim implicit or explicit for any candidate for claiming extension or absorption in CSMCRI/CSIR.
Note: Candidates are suggested to read the official notification before applying.